Bathroom #015: bright transformation for children in Bursins

Bathroom #015: bright transformation for children in Bursins

We completely transformed the children’s bathroom from floor to ceiling. Starting with the installation of a window to bring in more natural light, this renovation was designed to create a space that is both functional and welcoming. A drop ceiling with integrated spots adds a modern touch, while the reconfiguration of the sanitary facilities has efficiently relocated the toilet and sink. To discreetly separate the toilet and bathtub, a tiled low wall was erected, adding both privacy and style. The addition of an extra-thin glass electric radiator brings a contemporary elegance to the room.

The renovation has not only optimized space but also enhanced the daily comfort of the children. By choosing high-quality materials and meticulous finishes, we transformed this bathroom into a place where functionality and aesthetics meet harmoniously. The project reflects our commitment to using innovative solutions to meet the specific needs of each family while maintaining brightness and space.

City: Bursins
Date: April 2021